Parenting & breastfeeding support on your phone

Anya is the only parenting and breastfeeding app powered by innovation and empathy. We provide help when it’s needed and evidence-based information and expertise when it’s wanted. It has been developed for you and your baby and designed to give you all the support, knowledge, comfort and community needed to parent and feed successfully.

LatchAid 3D breastfeeding tool cradle hold 2 skin tones x ray - Anya baby & breastfeeding app

LatchAid 3D

In our revolutionary LatchAid 3D breastfeeding tool for Premium users, there are now more breastfeeding positions, and new animations showing how to hold the baby, the baby’s hunger cues, and how the baby’s tongue moves during feeding.

There are multiple pre-set camera angles plus touch-screen controls, and customisable avatars, skin tones and breast sizes.

The special display modes such as the anatomical view to see through the baby’s mouth to learn how to achieve a deep latch intuitively when you upgrade to Premium.

A toddler plays with a bubble blower - Anya baby & breastfeeding app

Personalised support

We make sure you get the right information at the right time. Synced with your baby’s age and stage, we offer a personalised insight journey, covering antenatal and postnatal information over 1,001 days, allowing you to map your learning journey and revisit content that you want to review in your personal history.

And you’ll see parents just like you reflected back in the imagery in the app, too.

Connect with parents like you

Our users get access to themed, expert-moderated Communities to connect with parents going through the same experience as you. Whether it’s Sleepytime, Returning to Work or Study, Breastfeeding Support or Black or young mums, there’s a group just for you and someone to talk to, day or night.

Unlimited #AskAnya

When you go Premium, you can ask as many questions as you like, whenever you like! Great for those 3am worries. We’re here whenever you need us.

You can also access direct 1-to-1 Specialist support by asking Anya, access personalised conversation starters, and choose a different persona for your answers.

Dad working on his laptop with baby on his lap - Anya pregnancy, baby & breastfeeding app

Interactive Expert Events

Learn from the professionals. We run regular interactive webinars on a variety of topics, plus drop-ins where you can ask questions and speak to our specialists for Premium users.

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